Heart-warming pet reunification stories. Tell us your story today!


Overjoyed To Be Back With My Boys

I rescued Cooper and his brother, Jesse, back in September 2011, after my dog of eight years, Jack, had passed away. These puppies brought a lot of joy and happiness back in my life. Then, on 11/18/11, they both went missing from their own yard, (even though I work from home). My son and I…

January 1, 1970
Margaret Apple

Golden Boy

Our Golden Pomeranian, Oliver, was fairly new in our house and just a puppy. We were trying to train him to stay around the house and go outside for the bathroom. So he was used to going in and out, until one day when I went outside and called and called but couldn’t find him….

Patrick Clark

Gnawing His Way Out

My wife Elida was about to go for a jog. She checked on our dog Choco and he was good. When she came back a good portion of the gate was gnawed off and Choco was gone. She looked frantically around the neighborhood and soon we got a call from the Animal Hospital. Choco had…

Sergio De Leon

A Cautionary Tale With A Happy Ending

My dog Trigger ended up running into the back yard across the lake and into a farm yard. The farmers who found him took Trigger to the vet to have him scanned. Unfortunately, my information was not updated on the PetLink record. To find us the farm lady had to call through the radio station…

Ben Roundy

Yay! Baxter’s Back!

We have an invisible fence and Baxter wanders around the yard across our two acres. Last Tuesday was a typical day outside for him but when I called him in the evening he wasn’t coming in. I stopped calling him eventually and went to bed at midnight. The next morning I continued to call and…

Dawn Williamson

Yeah! Ace Is Home!

After wandering out the front door on Oct 30th, Ace was picked up by our local police and taken to the pound. He was there for several days before someone realized that his paperwork wasn’t in order so we didn’t get notified. If he hadn’t had PetLink, our little guy would not have made it…

Misty Coulson

Where’s Katie?

Our Pitbull Terrier Katie has never left before, she always stayed right with us, never walked away. We were at my son’s house and all packed ready for the weekend when we said “Where’s Katie?” We spent an hour on foot and bicycles combing the neighborhood which she wasn’t familiar with. While we were trying…

Roger Helser

We Got Our Ming Ming Back

We were visiting family on a Saturday, about two hours away from our home. We put our dogs in the house but with all the in and out traffic, Li Ming managed to escape. Twelve of us searched for her for over an hour with no luck. I logged in to PetLink to file a…

William and Dawn Moore

Missy Scoots Through

Missy is a little dog, we think she’s a Lhasa Apso. She weighs just about 11lbs. I also have a 30lb cocker, Princess Sara, and she had figured out how to open the side gate. I thought I’d had it fixed, but it’s an old wooden gate with just enough room for my little one…

Charlene Bridges