Heart-warming pet reunification stories. Tell us your story today!


I’m Going To Fix That Fence

After notifing you that Bailey got out, I started driving up and down all the neighborhood streets, calling Bailey. Saw what I thought might be him in my headlights, I drove in the direction I saw him going. which by now was almost a mile from home. I headed home & when I got there,…

January 1, 1970
Don and Mary Ann Mandy

Thank You Sacramento Animal Hospital!

After a long, trying day and night by himself, Taz , our Rottweiler, was rescued by Melissa at the Sacramento Animal Hospital on Tuesday. He had to be bribed, but they were able to get him to the shelter and we were connected through PetLink. He was not very friendly so I commend Melissa for…

Angie Anderson

Buddy Is Back Home

I got my pet microchipped on a spur of the moment decision. I knew Buddy would never run away from me. But when I took him to a kennel, he managed to escape from them and run away. Animal Control set a humane trap for him, but because he was chipped, he was able to…

Penny Knepp

One Of These Cats Is Not Like The Others

My cat Bear had been gone for about 11 months and must have been wandering the neighborhoods. After tons of time and effort trying to search for Bear myself, I wasn’t having much luck. In the meantime, a gentleman who lives in a facility about 5-8 miles away from me was leaving food and water…

John Jones

Like Father, Like Pup

Toby was outside and snuck out under the fence. A nice young girl found him a few weeks later and brought him to her vet. The vet scanned him and we received a call from PetLink shortly after. Toby belongs to my eight-year old, and he was overjoyed to have him back. The young girl…

Josef Cavaness

Charli Is Home

Charli escaped our back yard while we were out of town Sunday. We searched all night with the help of complete strangers. First thing Monday morning we started hanging flyers up in our neighborhood. About 10 am I got a call and the City of Lubbock had found her fifteen blocks away. She had crossed…

Carrie Hickson

Double Tuna

PetLink has helped to find our cat Tuna two times now. You are amazing! This time Tuna had been lost for three days and the children and I were so excited to get him back.

Tate Randel

Golden Boy

Our Golden Pomeranian, Oliver, was fairly new in our house and just a puppy. We were trying to train him to stay around the house and go outside for the bathroom. So he was used to going in and out, until one day when I went outside and called and called but couldn’t find him….

Patrick Clark

Peek-A-Boo, Trixie? Where Are You Hiding?

Trixie is a Miniature Pinscher but she’s very shy and timid. Every time we have a guest over she runs underneath our bed and hides. I had a guest staying for the weekend and I just assumed Trixie was hiding in the usual places. Then, after a few days of not seeing her and when…

Celia Jones