Heart-warming pet reunification stories. Tell us your story today!


And With A Wave Of The Magic Wand…

I was very, very pleased to get my one-year-old Cocker Holly back so quickly. I didn’t realise Holly was missing. I didn’t get the gate fastened and she must have thought it was good times because she was off and gone. The first I knew was a call asking ‘Have you lost a white dog?’…

January 1, 1970
Ginny Hawk

Ivy Was 30 Miles From Home

Strangely, my little kitty, Ivy, who always stayed nearby, ended up missing one day. We live near some woods, and I was afraid that something bad happened to her when she disappeared. She was gone for over two months! In fact, thinking she was gone for good and that we would never see her again,…

Denise Riley

Overjoyed To Be Back With My Boys

I rescued Cooper and his brother, Jesse, back in September 2011, after my dog of eight years, Jack, had passed away. These puppies brought a lot of joy and happiness back in my life. Then, on 11/18/11, they both went missing from their own yard, (even though I work from home). My son and I…

Margaret Apple

His Brother’s Ears

I rescued Jesse and his brother, Cooper, back in September 2011, after my dog of eight years, Jack, had passed away. These puppies brought a lot of joy and happiness back in my life. Then, on 11/18/11, they both went missing from their own yard, (even though I work from home). My son and I…

Margaret Apple

5 ½ Weeks Of Heartbreak

Best news of our lives … our cat Lady has been found! She adventured over a mile from home crossing a very busy intersection. Needless to say, she is very thin and the pads of her paws are scabbed. A lovely woman found Lady and took her to a local vet and scanned her. We…

Filomena Bettencourt

Jezabelle Has A Field Day

We live in Maryland and our Bullmastiff Jezabelle runs in the field by our house. The house is right next to the highway. One day we let her out to go to the bathroom. So, she was in the field, and a lady drove by and saw her and thought she was homeless. The lady…

Daniel Rada

Special Delivery

Zelda, my German Shepherd, got under the fence and burrowed her way out of the yard. Unfortunately, she had broken her collar a couple of days before. I was just was bringing in her new collar when I found she’d gone missing. I had no way to locate her and was in the process of…

Jay Hall

Fisher’s Chip

I let my cat Fisher out in the morning when I took my dog for a walk. He didn’t come in when I went inside. One of my neighbors found him, thought he was lost, fed him and, because he had a PetSmart tag, took him to get scanned. When they found his microchip with…

Joanna Fisher

Faster Than The Speed Of PetLink

We have two dogs, my Coonhound, Lilly, in the picture and Maya, an American Foxhound. I got home after work one day and the Foxhound was going crazy at the door. The dog going frantic alerted me so I looked in the yard and, sure enough, Lilly was gone. I guess the meter reader must…

Grant Guthrie