Heart-warming pet reunification stories. Tell us your story today!


A Happy Premonition

PetLinks’s reunification process is amazing! I can’t describe how shocked we were when Vinnie went missing. Vinnie was gone eight months. He’d got lost once before but we got him back. We have dogs too, and they go in and out so it’s hard to keep our cat inside. It was a month before we…

January 1, 1970
Charmayne Fasce

Hi Cerise – I Think We’ve Met

One of my children left the door open and my cat, Cerise, ran out. I was going to give her one day to come back but then, just as I was starting to call the shelter, to see if they had her, PetLink called me. As it turned out Cerise was found and taken to…

Helene Del Puppo

The Chip Makes All The Difference In The World

I am very pleased to have Raja back. Raja is an inside and outdoor cat and tends to go through six or seven collar tags in a year. That’s why we decided to get her microchipped so, if she ever did get lost, and did not have her tag on her collar, she would still…

Michael Lombard

Ivy Was 30 Miles From Home

Strangely, my little kitty, Ivy, who always stayed nearby, ended up missing one day. We live near some woods, and I was afraid that something bad happened to her when she disappeared. She was gone for over two months! In fact, thinking she was gone for good and that we would never see her again,…

Denise Riley

5 ½ Weeks Of Heartbreak

Best news of our lives … our cat Lady has been found! She adventured over a mile from home crossing a very busy intersection. Needless to say, she is very thin and the pads of her paws are scabbed. A lovely woman found Lady and took her to a local vet and scanned her. We…

Filomena Bettencourt

Seven Weeks Away

Dexter is allowed outside during the day and every night he comes in. The night he got lost he didn’t come home. So, the next morning we started looking for him. We put up signs, tried an online program for calling homes in the neighborhood. For three weeks we searched, went to all the pounds…

Amanda Baker

Back From Vacation

Woody is an indoor/outdoor cat. He didn’t get very far, just all of one block. I was on vacation in Puerto Rico and had just landed in Florida when I got the PetLink email saying he’d been found. I texted the kid who’d been looking after him and was able to go get him on…

Lisa Gummer

You’re Grounded, Bertie!

Bertie is an adventurous cat and can’t wait to go outside in the morning, rain or shine. He doesn’t stay in his yard but goes into the green area next door (L.A. County Flood Control has an area beside a channel overgrown with shrubs and wild plants). He is home by dinnertime, late afternoon, usually….

Kate Gaman

One Of These Cats Is Not Like The Others

My cat Bear had been gone for about 11 months and must have been wandering the neighborhoods. After tons of time and effort trying to search for Bear myself, I wasn’t having much luck. In the meantime, a gentleman who lives in a facility about 5-8 miles away from me was leaving food and water…

John Jones