Home Sweet (Pea) Home!

Author: Lauren Piandes

Sweet Pea sauntered back into the backyard as if she hadn’t missed a step!  Of course, her human village was on high alert over the course of the last 5 days, searching high and low, notifying everybody,  their  families, friends and fur babies for spreading the word, woof & meows!  SO THANKFUL TO ALL… Sweet […]

National Lost Pet Prevention Month Series: Open Doors and Windows

Author: Lauren Piandes
Category: Pet Safety

As we experience warmer weather, we’re all ready and willing to fling our windows open, get out in the yard, hang out on the porch, etc. Before doing all of that, we must remember that open doors and windows create the perfect escape route for our pets! Here are some ways that we can prevent […]

Never Give Up!

Author: Lauren Piandes

Thanks to a wonderful and caring individual, I was able to be notified of Princeton being found after nearly 6 months of him being gone! I am so glad I made the decision to have him microchipped, thanks to PetLink! I wouldn’t have known he was found! I’m so grateful to PetLink and the individual […]

Appreciation for PetLink!

Author: Lauren Piandes

I just wanted to express my appreciation for your product. I have two large Labs (brothers) and they got out when we had some really strong wind. One dog came home, the other took a ride with a stranger who took him to the nearest vet. The vet scanned him and contacted me immediately. He […]