Together Again: 9 months missing

Back in May 2021, my cat Prince got out of the house. I searched the base where I’m living endlessly for 3 months straight, every single night! I would get in my car and drove through every neighborhood calling for him, sometimes in tears. I posted in every neighborhood page, lost pet page! People were contacting me left and right about black cats. Even dead ones on the side of the road! I would make my husband go look at the deceased, and still no prince. I brought home a few black cats unsure if it was him but no. His would do the sniff test, if she hissed I knew it wasn’t him.
After 9 months of crying, praying, and searching I finally got the email I was long waiting for! “Prince has been found!” I thank God for his microchip because without that I probably wouldn’t have him today. He’s home now 🙂 he’ll be 4 years old in April, and 4 years home with us ❤️
Herminia Ervin:
HAPPY HAPPY that Prince is back home. I know you are over the moon to have that he returned. 💕💕
Alyssa Vega:
So glad you found him! 💜💜💜 i wouldn’t know what to do, but you stayed strong I’m happy you guys are reunited together again ☺️
Carleen Yarington:
That’s wonderful story regarding pet Prince.
A pet parent owner (I know) going back in early Dec 2021: They have had their feline for a few years & recently to the vet’s for his yearly shots. He’s indoors & outdoors type but his outdoors adventure is usually short & spends most of his time indoors.
Recently, after being out briefly, he never arrived back inside. He’s micro chipped but it’s believed that he was taken (intentionally). He’s a black cat & his name is Beno.
This pet parent has been involved in getting him back. I’m thinking that it would be a good idea to dropped off notices to the animal hospitals informing vets that despite animals being microchip, anyone who encounters a cat or dog, it could be a part of someone’s family & they should have the found animal check for a microchip instead of keeping them as their own. Beno’s pet parents miss him badly everyday. This is the 1st case that I know of that is wrong & a heartbreaker.
If I encounter a cat or a dog, I would check to see if they were micro chip or not & would post notices announcing of a pet found. This is common in where I live & is the right thing to do.
Thank you Petlink
Hill Kevin:
Very happy ending with a lot of heartbreaking grief in between. So happy you found your fur ball and that you are reunited. Hope he had a nice vacation and never wants to go on the road again!
Denise Foehl:
Wow! Great news! So very very happy that you found your beloved kitty. It is SO heartbreaking when they disappear—-.🐈
Alexander Grenier:
Lovely story!!! So glad you didn’t give up <3