Together Again: Reunited at long last!

Trevor is an indoor/outdoor cat. We have a cat door so he is able to come and go as he pleases, but he always comes home. Once we learned he could jump our 6ft privacy fence we had him chipped. Thankfully we did. January 6th 2021 he didn’t come home at night like usual. A whole year went by, we never really gave up but assumed the worst had happened. On February 23rd 2022 we got an email saying his chip had been scanned at a vet clinic about 20 miles away. That same day we were reunited with our missing pet from over a year ago!! I will forever get my pets chipped, it works!
Terri Valko:
My cat was a stray from about 6mo old to about a yr and a half. Only 3 fangs. Took me that long just to touch her nose. Thats all it took. She walks with the dog and I,comes in at night when I call for her. She was terrified of boots. Must have been how she lost fang. Won’t touch canned cat food. Just got her chopped FINALLY. If your cat goes missing always check the garages in your area. They seem to like to check them out
I had a similar experience! Except I was person who found the cat and read her chip. She ended up in our garage and she was so friendly, not a sign of a feral baby despite being full-grown. We checked her chip and because the clinic we scanned it at wasn’t the one who chipped her in the first place, they said her ID# wasn’t registered (a big fat lie! to this day, I don’t trust that clinic). We got the ID# number from them and after very minimal Google searching with the microchip ID, we filed a missing pet report. They weren’t able to give us personal owner information for privacy reasons, but confirmed the breed and coat and told us the cats name was Inga. The owner contacted us not too long after we filed the report. Turns out, her owner had been passing through our city while moving residences to another town around 100 miles away from ours. She hopped out of the vehicle while the owner was pumping gas. They chased her around for hours but could never catch her. Turns out, the owner was an elderly Vietnam veteran and Inga was his emotional support animal. She had been missing since November of 2021! With the help of some neighbors, we were able to reunite her with her owner who was overjoyed to have her back.
TL:DR – We found a cat, scanned her chip, and found the registration ourselves online. Contacted her owner, a retired Veteran who lost her months prior when she hopped out of his car at a rest stop. He was very happy to get her back. Chip your pets, people!
Hallelujah re finding/returning pets to owners! “All’s well that ends well!” 😻❤️
Doreen Yusi:
Awwww. That’s great! I’m so happy for you, your family & Trevor 😻 Hes gorgeous
So happy to hear Trevor is back home. I had an indoor cat that sneaked out when we were moving into our house 26 years. My wife left the door open one day and he escaped. He was on an adventure for about a week. We put food out for him every night and he came home to eat it but went right back out again. I finally caught him one night when he came home to eat. He must have had a fun time being gone for so long
I am happy to hear your fur baby is back home. The best thing about it is you never stopped thinking of him. God bless
Michele Corry:
Hi There
Where is the rest of the story?!
Where had Trevor been all that time ? Why was he at the vet- was he hurt? Who found him ? Did he have a new famiIy? If so where they going to get visitation? You left me with so many questions about your handsome boys story ! 🙂 I need to know more, but I am so glad you got him back ! I lost my in door kitty Midas “the muffler man” a.k.a King Midas for 2 weeks and nearly lost my mind before we found him. So happy for you!