National Lost Pet Prevention Month Series: Fear and Loud, Noisy Holidays

Author: Lauren Piandes
Category: Pet Safety

This may be a no-brainer for us seasoned pet owners, but animals become frightened much more easily than us humans do. Sometimes, we have no idea what is scaring them, but they are already halfway down the street before we can process what has happened. To help our pets, especially during loud events or holidays […]

National Lost Pet Prevention Month Series: Moving to a New Home

Author: Lauren Piandes
Category: Uncategorized

Moving to a new place is stressful, but it’s even more stressful for pets. Dogs are most at risk the first 30 days after a move, as they are not acclimated to their new home. Besides wishing desperately that our pets could simply tell us how we feel, we must do our best to prepare […]

National Lost Pet Prevention Month Series: Open Doors and Windows

Author: Lauren Piandes
Category: Pet Safety

As we experience warmer weather, we’re all ready and willing to fling our windows open, get out in the yard, hang out on the porch, etc. Before doing all of that, we must remember that open doors and windows create the perfect escape route for our pets! Here are some ways that we can prevent […]