Never Give up Hope

Author: Lauren Piandes

My dog Dale was taken by an aide sent by a local agency to take care of my husband after a total ankle replacement, in March 2023. I made flyers and sent them to every vet and dog groomer in the county, reported his microchip stolen immediately, contacted animal services and had his license flagged […]

Six days and 70 miles later…

Author: Lauren Piandes

Almost a week after disappearing, I got a message from PetLink that our dog had been found on my birthday! Best birthday ever! She was found running in traffic over an hour away. We’ll never know how she got there, but we wouldn’t have ever found her again without PetLink and the absolute angel that […]

Reunited because of PetLink

Author: Lauren Piandes

I lost my baby girl Layla in a town a was visiting and she and I were not familiar with. PetLink helped me find my baby. Her PetLink tag was on her, but she was scared and running from people. So PetLink readily had many “lost” posters to choose from. I picked one a printed […]

PetLink and Ellie are the best!

Author: Lauren Piandes

The school bordering my property tore down a fence yesterday and my Great Pyrenees saw an opportunity for an adventure! Ellie found him at 1am on her evening walk and took him the next morning to the vet, where they scanned him and contacted PetLink and now with the help of this company and the […]

We Found Him!

Author: Lauren Piandes

My beloved Firekitty got lost just the day after Thanksgiving.  He is an indoor cat and he got out and never came back. We searched days, weeks and months. Finally, thanks to his microchip and a wonderful lady, he was brought back home to us after almost 3 months. We are so thankful to have […]