My brother was out walking my Foxhound, Pepper. He took her off the leash so she could ford a short stream and she must have seen a deer and shot off. She got through a gap in a fence there, ran up a hill and got into some nettles up a steep embankment making it hard for my brother to follow. Eventually, my brother came home and we both went looking for her. After 5 o’clock it got dark so I said, “Let’s go back and get some sleep.” I knew the chip was in the dog and I figured they would call the next day. I still don’t know how Pepper was found and I just wish I would have been able to get the name of the person who found her. She was only lost for 6 hours and then you guys from PetLink called saying the pound had picked Pepper up and that you could connect us. I made sure and got in touch with Animal Rescue who said they would bring her round 10 minutes later! Pepper was traumatized pretty well by her experience. She doesn’t like cars or being locked up and the nettles scratched her all up. She really went through some stuff and slept for two days. I’m grateful for PetLink’s fast work and I’m very, very happy we got the chip put in the dog, that’s for sure.

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