Yesterday, my two dogs, Marcia, a long-haired Dachshund, and Shadow, a black Labrador, ran out the door when my father was not looking. They were gone about eight or nine hours until Shadow appeared. The reason that he wouldn’t come when called was because Marcia was out, too. When they are together, they run for miles. We decided to call it a night and to let Marcia stay one night out on her own. She is only less than two years old and is scared of anything that is unfamiliar except woods. Later today, around 2:30 pm, Marcia was safe and sitting on our front porch with a barbed-wire wound in her side. My mom and dad took her to the vet to get her help, get her cleaned, and to place a PetLink microchip in her so it won’t happen again. When she saw me, Marcia immediately ran to me and started licking me, for we were both happy that she had come home:) Thank you, Lord, for bringing her back!:)

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