My boy went missing right before a torrential wind and rainstorm started. He has never taken off before, and we had just finished playing ball. I started to search immediately, but I am in a very rural area, surrounded by woods and farmland. Driving the area in flooding rain after dark, there was still no sign of him. At first light the next morning, out into the woods, two of my other dogs were helping. They caught a scent and we covered a 5 mile radius. My poor girl got quilled, so we were off to the Vet to remove the quills. On the way home, we got the call from the humane society and an email from PetLink, that Scream! had been found by police two towns north of us, about 10 miles away. He had lost his tags in the woods, but they scanned him and found his microchip! PetLink was fantastic and the reason my boy was able to get home. Thank you!!!

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