Mia’s human is my four-year-old daughter, Skye. They are the best of friends, but our entire family loves Mia … she is one of us. Our family also includes my 19-year-old daughter, two “adopted” sons, aged 18 and 19, myself and my significant other 🙂 There’s lots of love in our house for Mia, the three-year old white Boxer! Just before Christmas we were hanging some MORE lights on the house when one of the guys had a backyard gate open. Another family member, not knowing this, let Mia out when she asked, just like always. I was sitting in the living room when I realized Mia was no longer laying at my feet where she had been less than ten minutes earlier. I was informed she had gone out back, so I jumped up to let her back inside. When I didn’t see her bouncing around the backyard as she usually does, I called out for her. She wasn’t there and, at the time, I didn’t see the open gate. I ran frantically back inside and everyone immediately began searching the house for Mia … but she was not inside. It was then I went back out and discovered the side gate had been left open … Mia was gone!!! Mia is a runner – Boxers love to run and play. We were all in a panic as we set out in two cars and on foot to search. We left in such a hurry I forgot my phone. We searched about a five mile radius for three hours asking everyone we saw. Only one sighting in those three hours, about five minutes after she got out, left us all feeling hopeless. I just knew she had been picked up and we would never see our precious Mia again. I had just about given up when, through tears, I remembered my phone … I needed to call PetLink! We headed home and I picked up my phone … I had seven missed calls!! I returned the call from the unknown number and it was a local vet … Mia had been found!!!! She was safe thanks to an unknown kind citizen who picked her up, saw her tag, and drove her to the vet, where they checked her microchip number!!! My family was so thankful that someone so kind had picked up Mia and even more thankful that Mia has PetLink!!! We jumped back in the car and drove what seemed like the longest five minutes ever. I was so relieved I couldn’t stop crying!!! We ran into the vet’s office and they brought Mia out to us, wagging her whole body with her happy grin. BEST FEELING EVER!!!! Thankfully, my four-year-old got her Mia back, but if it weren’t for that kind woman – whoever you are, we hope you’re reading this and we THANK YOU!!! – and the fact that Mia has PetLink, we might have lost a very important member of our family!!! PetLink saved us. Best decision ever made for our Mia. Thank you to PetLink and the kind people who work there … you are the GREATEST!!!

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