Maddie is a liver and white Springer mix and Betty is a Lab. Both of them ran away and, thanks to Maddie’s chip, I was able to get both of my girls back. Betty is recently adopted and doesn’t have a chip yet, but we will be doing that in the near future. The story is really simple and is all down to the great kindness of someone stopping and grabbing them and then making sure they were out of danger. We forgot it was trash day and my boyfriend didn’t close the gate of our fenced-in back yard. The dogs followed him down to the trash collection and they started at the noise of the garbage truck. They took off running, didn’t turn around, never stopped, they just went. They got about two miles from the house and a lady pulled over. She took them to a clinic where they scanned the chip. It was wonderful – her kindness, the chip and the helpful response at PetLink.

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