I am just now checking my email and am delighted to be able to tell you that our dog, Max, a Goldendoodle, came home last night. He was found by someone several streets away. After she gave him some food and water and let him play with her two dogs she took him to our 24/7 vet hospital who then contacted PetLink for our contact information.

After she found out that we all lived in the same neighborhood, the kind lady brought Max home to us. She said that after she saw firsthand how important a chip is, she would go on Monday to her vet and have chips placed in both her dogs. My little granddaughters had been in tears all afternoon thinking that they might never see Max again, but our Easter turned out to be wonderful since Max was here to share it with us. I will vouch for the importance of having a chip placed in a dog. It was the best investment we could have made.

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